Saturday, 17 March 2012

2012 SSHG Curriculum Drafts

Please see below some samples of the new curriculum drafts:

Draft SSHG_grade 2 Expectations.pdf

Draft grade 4 Expectations.pdf

Draft Grade 8 History

Prepaing for the new curriculum

Preparing for the new 2012 Social Studies Curriculum

Goals of the Social Studies Program
Social Studies Inquiry Model
Model based on the Social Studies Draft curriculum.

Geography Focused

What is where?
Definition of Geography to guide program development

Sense Of Place
Drawing on Children’s “Sense of Place” – The Starting Point for Teaching Social Studies and Geography

Geographical Thinking
Geography is the study of the world and all that is in it: its peoples, its land, air, and water, its plants and animals, and all the connections among its various parts. When you are investigating the world and its events you are dealing with geography. As you move through space in your everyday life you are observing and interacting with geography and making geographic decisions based on those encounters. You may not be aware of it but you are involved in geographic inquiry

Geographical Thinking and Literacy
The purpose of this document is threefold:
�� To provide a number of exemplary literature and multi-media resources that best support the Social Studies outcomes.
�� To assist the school staff in making informed decisions regarding literature resources connected to the new Social Studies outcomes.
�� To guide and build capacity for educators to identify quality literature through the lens of social studies.

How Geographers think
Slideshare PowerPoint

Learn to Think Geographically
 Ideas to help children think geographically

Using Digital Place-Based Storytelling To Teach Geographical Thinking

Review one teachers approach to promote geographical thinking.

Teaching scale to primary students
Websites Powers of Ten

Internet Mapping Sites

Scribble Maps - Create custom google maps
This program allows for map analysis and annotations

Google Map Maker

History Based Resources

Historical Thinking
What should students know after 12 years of studying history in school? What should they be able to do with their knowledge? Surely they should have more than an accumulation of memorized facts to show for years of study. Students need to meet the challenge of understanding their own lives in the historical context of past decades, centuries and millennia.

BenchMarks of Historical Thinking

An explanation of the concepts

Six Historical Thinking Concepts: A Graphic Organizer
The six historical thinking concepts (HTCs) are represented in a graphic that explores: aspects of each HTC, how students can demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of each HTC, and suggested student tasks for each.
Created by Dr. Carla Pec

Historical Thinking Video- Heritage Fairs

Geography and History: What it Should and Should Not Be

Using Spatial Journals in History
Students create a spatial journal based on historical events surrounding the Battle of Fort George during the War of 1812.

Inquiry Based Learning

Inquiry Based Learning
 Effective inquiry is more than just asking questions. Inquiry-based learning is a complex process where students formulate questions, investigate to find answers, build new understandings, meanings and knowledge, and then communicate their learnings to others.

Best Practices For Inquiry
 Inquiry projects are exciting. Curriculum as inquiry, begins by listening, not by teaching. Learners play a key role. Rather than an alternative to thematic units, it is a philosophy that permeates the entire school day (Harste 1992)

Welcome to the Social Studies Blog

I will post websites that are useful to teachers teaching Social Studies, Geography and History in Ontario

I am an Instructional Leader in Ontario (GTA) with a focus on the elementary panel